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A revolutionary breakthrough in penetrating lubricant technology. Non-flammable, low viscosity all-in-one multi-function agent with a broad spectrum of applications.

  • Penetrates deep into crevices and pores instantly
  • Lubricates and cleans gears, wheels, locks, latches & hinges
  • Displaces moisture on electrical systems with hydrophobic protection film
  • Protects short circuit and electrical failure caused by water
  • Prevents industrial equipment from build-up
  • Loosens rusted, frozen bearings or parts, pipe connections and roller chains
  • Protects metal surfaces and shields against rust, dirt and corrosion
  • Reduces friction for parts disassembly and speeds up reassembly time
  • Cuts through grease and stubborn stains
  • Frees stuck bolts, nuts, studs and fasteners
  • Releases seized mechanisms swiftly
  • Eliminates squeaks without leaving residue
  • Dissolves adhesives, allowing easy removal of stickers, labels & tapes


Product Code:
MK2077 – 400g